The Society for Emblem Studies

Liber Amicorum

Liber Amicorum: Emblems and Studies

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to announce that our Liber Amicorum is launched! You can read it on the Internet Archive, free of charge:

Book page image
The book comprises over 50 emblems, submitted by members and friends of the Society, as well as 13 studies published in our Emblem of the Month section, on our website. Some of you will also notice a few emblems taken straight from our social media.

We hope that you enjoy the reading, and we will be looking forward to new contributions to our website and beyond!


One Response to “Liber Amicorum: Emblems and Studies”

  1. Rubem Amaral Jr.

    Muito obrigado, Pedro, por esse bonito volume. Grande abraço do Rubem.

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